Sourdough Sandwich | Uncut | Wholesale

Sourdough Sandwich | Uncut | Wholesale


Sourdough Sandwiches are made on 14mm slice sourdough bread in a mix of wholemeal, white + grain. Sandwiches come uncut and boxed covered in damp cloth for ultimate freshness til service and ready for club to package.

Sandwiches flavours are sold in amounts of 5 per unit. Add to cart how many units of each flavour you require.

Invoices will be sent with agreed customer payment terms after each online is placed. All orders must be submitted online by 10am the day before orders are required. No reductions or cancellations are accepted once the order is accepted. Additions may be accepted subject to availability.

PRICING | $9 each inc GST, Recommended Retail Price is from $10-$14 Each

Flavours available |
Chicken - Poached Chicken, Sun-dried Tomato, Wholegrain Mustard, Whole Egg Mayo + Rocket
Ham - Smoked Ham, Cheese, Tomato, Relish

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